P'tas el vidrio weon!

>> Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Miren si será weon el vidrio este...!

En mi opinión yo creo se deberia agregar a la lista de requisitos para ser presidente la la República el saber operar adecuadamente los vidrios eléctricos de los automóviles, cierto?


My Immortal

Aqui te dejo esta cancioncita... dicen es regüena para combatir la gastritis y baja la presión alta! Escucha tú y me cuentas...

Y si la quieres agregar a tu Playlist, pincha aqui.

My Immortal
Artist/Group: Evanescence


>> Sunday, July 19, 2009

( Quasimodo )

C'est un mot qu'on dirait inventé pour elle
Quand elle danse et qu'elle met son corps à jour, tel
Un oiseau qui étend ses ailes pour s'envoler
Alors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes pieds
J'ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane
A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-Dame
Est celui qui lui jettera la première pierre
Celui-là ne mérite pas d'être sur terre
O Lucifer !
Oh ! Laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esméralda

( Frollo )

Est-ce le diable qui s'est incarné en elle
Pour détourner mes yeux du Dieu éternel
Qui a mis dans mon être ce désir charnel
Pour m'empêcher de regarder vers le Ciel
Elle porte en elle le péché originel
La désirer fait-il de moi un criminel
Qu'on prenait pour une fille de joie une fille de rien
Semble soudain porter la croix du genre humain
O Notre-Dame !
Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Pousser la porte du jardin d'Esméralda

( Phoebus )

Malgré ses grands yeux noirs qui vous ensorcellent
La demoiselle serait-elle encore pucelle ?
Quand ses mouvements me font voir monts et merveilles
Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel
Ma dulcinée laissez-moi vous être infidèle
Avant de vous avoir mené jusqu'à l'autel
Est l'homme qui détournerait son regard d'elle
Sous peine d'être changé en statue de sel
O Fleur-de-Lys,
Je ne suis pas homme de foi
J'irai cueillir la fleur d'amour d'Esméralda

( Quasimodo, Frollo et Phoebus )

J'ai posé mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane
A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-Dame
Est celui qui lui jettera la première pierre
Celui-là ne mérite pas d'être sur terre
O Lucifer !
Oh ! laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esméralda



Artist/Group: Garou, Daniel Lavoie, Patrick Fiori


Spencer Wells builds a family tree for humanity

This is from a TEDTalk...The Genographic Project, A Landmark Study of the Human Journey

As usual with TED stuff, fascinating and etremely interesting.

And something very cool about this project is that it is relly open to the World. You can go onto the NG website at www.nationalgeographic.com/genographic and you can order your very own DNA kit and submit the results to the project database and tell the project folks a little about your genealogical background and have the data analyzed as part of the scientific effort. They wil send you a report back with your very own genealogical map---how cool is that!!!

And if you like what you see and learn please follow the TED mantra-- these are Ideas Worth Sharing so go ahead and spread the word.


Why Good People Do Bad Things

A little over a year ago I picked up this book as I was searching for some clues and answers regarding a personal experience that I had with a "good person that did very bad things". I was not only attempting to understand this type of behavior, but also trying to figure out what it is that I do that I attrack this kind of people. My life experience is full of examples of "good people doing bad things" and it seems I am like honey to these bear characters.

Today, I decided to read this book again and I am starting right away. Why? Because I sense a "beach ball effect" is in the making around me and I feel I need a refresher course to, hopefully, be better prepared to deal with the situation every step of the way and mitigate the tremendously negative effects that it creates as the "beach ball" surfaces out of control.

The good news is that "thanks" to all the painful and expensive experiences throughout the years I have learned to identify these characters "earlier" than what I used to, so that is good. The bad news is the realization and acceptance that this will not be the last time I will have to face this kind of behavior and the need to prepare and shield myself against these demons.

Following is an excerpt from
abcnews.go.com and I quote:

"In her new book, best-selling author Debbie Ford tries to explain "Why Good People Do Bad Things: How To Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy." The book delves into the forces that compel people to live by their values and the ones that hold people back while sabotaging their dreams. Ford specifically talks about the beach-ball effect, which she says is the way suppressed emotions eventually rise to the surface and reveal the the origins of self-destructive behavior."


"The Underbelly of the Human Psyche

The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. Birthed out of shame, fear, and denial, it misdirects our good intentions and drives us to unthinkable acts of self-destruction and not-so-unbelievable acts of self-sabotage.

Shame and denial feed our dark side for one simple reason. If we accepted our weaknesses, flaws, and shortcomings as a natural part of our humanity, we would have the ability to ask for help when we are confronted with an impulse that we don't know how to deal with. We would recognize that these dark impulses -- such as the urge to have sex with people other than our spouse, to take money that doesn't belong to us, or to lie in order to better position ourselves -- are a natural part of our humanity that needs to be understood and embraced. But because these urges are left unexplored and unexamined, they get wrapped in shame and denial and kept hidden in the dark. And it is there that our shadow self, the unwanted and denied aspects of ourselves, gathers more power until a blowup is inevitable.

Every aspect of ourselves that we've denied, every thought and feeling that we've deemed unacceptable and wrong, eventually makes itself known in our lives. When we are busy building a business, creating a family, or taking care of those we love, when we are too busy to pay attention to our emotions, we have to hide our dark impulses and shame-filled qualities, which leaves us at risk for an external explosion. In a matter of minutes, when we least expect it, a rejected or unwanted aspect of ourselves can pop up and destroy our lives, our reputations, and all of our hard work. This is what I call the Beach-Ball Effect.

Think of the amount of energy it takes to hold an inflated beach ball underwater for an extended period of time. The moment you relax or take your attention away from keeping it submerged, the ball will bounce back up and splash water in your face. The Beach-Ball Effect is at work when you have suppressed something deep within your psyche, stored it in the recesses of your subconscious, and then, just when you think everything is going your way, something happens: You send a slanderous e-mail to the wrong colleague. You get lured into betraying someone you love for a night of meaningless passion.

You get behind the wheel of a car after having three drinks and get arrested for drunk driving. You get caught dipping into your family's trust fund. You fly off into a rage in front of your new lover. You make an inappropriate comment that costs you your job. You blow an important deadline right before your big review. You haul off and hit your child in a moment of frustration. . . . In other words, the beach ball -- your repressed urges and your unprocessed pain -- pops up and hits you in the face, sabotaging your dreams, robbing you of your dignity, and leaving you drenched in shame.

How many more blatant acts of self-sabotage do we have to witness to understand the devastating effects of denying and suppressing our unprocessed emotional garbage? Don Imus is a perfect example. Here is a man who worked hard to become one of biggest radio and TV celebrities in the country over the course of thirty-five years -- his entire career was based on communication. And in less than one minute the reputation he had spent years building was destroyed. The beach ball bounced up and hit him in the face"

Source: abcnews.go.com, for more info click here.


Think Different

>> Friday, July 17, 2009

--------> CLICK < --------


Fascinating and Inspiring

I found this talk fantastic, fascinating and inspiring. I could attempt to describe who Benjamin Zander is... but really, TED has already done that very nicely so I will simply quote them and let you enjoy the video.

"Since 1979, Benjamin Zander has been the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic. He is known around the world as both a guest conductor and a speaker on leadership -- and he's been known to do both in a single performance. He uses music to help people open their minds and create joyful harmonies that bring out the best in themselves and their colleagues.

His provocative ideas about leadership are rooted in a partnership with Rosamund Stone Zander, with whom he co-wrote The Art of Possibility.

Benjamin Zander has two infectious passions: classical music, and helping us all realize our untapped love for it -- and by extension, our untapped love for all new possibilities, new experiences, new connections.

About Benjamin Zander

A leading interpreter of Mahler and Beethoven, Benjamin Zander is known for his charisma and unyielding energy -- and for his brilliant pre-concert talks. Full bio and more links"

Source: www.ted.com Ideas worth spreading



>> Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is TasteSpotting? Great idea and the best way to explain is to quote from their site's About page...


"Choose lobster. Choose rosemary garlic polenta cake. Choose gyoza, ramen, salmon roe, salmon, sashimi, sushi, "pseu-shi." Choose pizza. Choose pasta, pasta with pesto, pasta with peas. Choose ravioli. Choose coffee. Choose tea. Choose tea eggs. Choose Bacon Ranch Fries. Choose cupcake, cheesecake, cake, pie, pi, tart, cookies ... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got TasteSpotting?"

Founded on the idea that we eat first with our eyes, TasteSpotting is our obsessive, compulsive collection of eye-catching images that link to something deliciously interesting on the other side. Think of TasteSpotting as a highly visual potluck of recipes, references, experiences, stories, articles, products, and anything else that inspires exquisite taste.

We don’t use the term “potluck” for the hell of it. Everyone brings something to the party here: the user community submits images/links from around the web and the editorial team reviews the submissions. What finally gets served up on the site is a beautifully refined set of the community’s contributions.

The site was launched in January 2007 and is run by Sarah of The Delicious Life and a small group who just likes to be called "The Team."

Go check it out, click here

Source: www.tastespotting.com


Conjugación del verbo Hacer

>> Friday, July 10, 2009

De una u otra forma tu haz de aprender y no 'has'... como dicen las malas lenguas por ahí.

La conjugación del verbo Hacer en Imperativo Presente segunda persona (tú) siempre ha dado problema a los hispanoparlantes.

Fuente: www.wordreference.com y para más detalle pinche


Don Sergio Marchant Lyon

>> Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ingeniero Agrónomo, recibió su brevet de Piloto de manos de su Instructor Jorge Meneses, en Octubre de 1947, después de un brillante examen rendido en su propio avión, en eses tiempo el “Huichi Pirichi”. Posteriormente cedió su avión al Club y compró un Stinson Voyager 150 para pasar después a un Stinson 165 y terminar con un avión Beechcraft Bonanza. Voló al extranjero en su avión propio llegando hasta Lima en 1950. Su maestría como Piloto es indiscutible y es así como a fines de 1948 adquirió su brevet de Instructor.

En 1946 formaba parte del Directorio como Vice – Presidente, cargo desde el cual ayudó al Club tesoneramente preocupándose de los detalles para conseguir el “CATA” y hasta embarcarlo para traerlo, posteriormente en vuelo a Talca. Financió la compra de la “PAULA” y además de regalar miles de pesos para la compra del Taylor.

En 1948 fue elegido Presidente para el periodo 1948 – 1950. Quiso renunciar en 1950 pero no pudo conseguirlo.

Gracias a su personal iniciativa se intentó en Talca la creación de una Maestranza de Aviación; se consiguió la unión de los clubes Aéreos de la V zona promoviendo reuniones zonales de gran éxito y repercusión en beneficio de la causa.

No nos atreveríamos a cuantificar todo lo que Don Sergio Marchant obsequió al Club, pero sí nos atrevemos a asegurar que será difícil que algún otro socio piloto haya dado tanto de sí como él. Para el gran compañero, el magnífico Piloto, el querido amigo y el eficiente Instructor, el Club Aéreo no tiene sino palabras de agradecimientos.

Tuve el privilegio de escuchar de boca del propio Tío Sergio muchas de sus anécdotas de aviación, de sus días en el Club Aéreo de Talca y del famoso "Huichi Pirichi".

Fuente: www.clubaereotalca.cl y más información aqui.


Marilyn y Tío Sergio

>> Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reconocimiento y tributo a dos grandes en mi vida. Los recuerdo con mucho cariño.


>> Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The scary technology of the 6th Sense--from MIT Media Labs. Watch this video and stop and think about the future... BTW, it is a common scene around the MIT Campus to see the Media Labs folks testing their innovative products. Amazing, simply amazing!!
You can watch this video in any of 6 languages.

For more info on TED and related innovations click HERE.


Listen to Gracias (1997-2007) - Malu

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